Graeme Adkin has always loved walking and climbing in the hills and mountains of the UK and abroad, and the Black Mountains especially.

In 2009, he took the opportunity to develop this vocation and expand his business leading groups and individuals, helping them to experience the wonderful scenery and challenges the hills and mountains have to offer.

Graeme is a Duke of Edinburgh (D of E) Expeditions Assessor, at all award levels and Supervisor. Much of his work is on a freelance basis for a number of businesses who specifically offer D of E expedition training, practice and qualifying expeditions.

Through his other work, Graeme has led a variety of groups in the hills and mountains of England and Wales, and also the Scottish Highlands. He freelances as a guide for other companies, has led walkers on the ‘3 Peaks Challenge’ to raise funds for a national charity, as well as leading individuals on walks in the hills in a private capacity.

Graeme has also led groups on overseas expeditions and treks, which include destinations in Africa, Central America, Northern Europe and Asia.

Teambuilding and leadership activities with both school and corporate groups, (which often include bush-craft activities) are additional strings to his bow.

Suitably qualified as a Mountain Leader, and a seasoned member of Longtown Mountain Rescue Team, Graeme has an impressive wealth of experience and knowledge in leading groups in the mountains.

With extensive first aid qualifications, public liability insurance, relevant DBS/CRB checks and awareness in Safeguarding Children and vulnerable adults, this makes Graeme and Black Mountains Walking, ideal partners to lead your activity.