You may know all the following, but if you don’t, please have a read through it all before you go into the hills and mountains on your own, and especially if you are taking a group.
The training offered by Black Mountains Walking can give you much more information on these topics. Please contact us for further details.
Whenever you go into the hills and mountains, make sure you are prepared and that everyone in the group is capable of completing your intended walk. Take the right kit, food and water; check the weather before you go; and know what to do in an emergency!
Select an icon below to view information on each of kit, weather and emergencies:
2. Weather
• The weather is always windier, wetter and colder on the hill. You will notice this particularly if you stop walking. You can get the weather of all 4 seasons in 1 day in the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains.
• Check the ‘mountain weather forecast’, which can give quite accurate forecasts for specific areas. The link to the Met Office Mountain Forecast for the Brecon Beacons is attached. Brecon Beacons weather
- Warnings and weather hazards tab – gives the headline warnings for the Brecon Beacons.
- Weather overview tab – gives a detailed breakdown of the weather to expect for the day and/or tomorrow.
- Location map tab – gives even more precise forecast for specific peaks across the range.
• Use the forecast as a guide, but remember it is only a forecast. Whilst it is usually fairly accurate, you should bear in mind that the particular weather can arrive sooner or later than forecast, or it may even be completely different!